Original Price: $399
Original Price: $259
When you join Mama Cheryl’s Vocal Star Academy, you’re not just signing up for vocal training – you’re joining a global community of passionate, supportive, and ambitious singers just like you!
Original Price: $299
Monthly Live Lessons with Mama Cheryl and Celebrity Special Guests!
Level up your vocal game LIVE from ANYWHERE in the world on your phone, laptop, or tablet!
Vocal Star Coaches
⭐️ Learn LIVE with the World’s #1 Vocal Coach!
⭐️ LIVE Q&A with Mama Cheryl and Special Guest
⭐️ Special Guest Singers and Viral Vocal Coaches!
⭐️ Monthly Singer Homework and Assignments!
⭐️ Monthly Vocal Exercises to Study!
⭐️ Songs to Study!!